Do you need a parasite cleanse?

Let’s talk about parasites - do you have them and what you should do about them? Do parasites affect your hormones? Why should we actually care about parasites?

I used to think that if I wasn't in a developing country, then I wouldn't have parasites – like you only get parasites if you go there. Or like if you're living with goats or something. But this is so not true. Who knew!?

If you have a pulse - you have a parasite.

This is just the truth. If you have a pulse, you have a parasite. But I actually don’t believe that everybody needs to get rid of their parasites with a cleanse. Our bodies are strong and our bodies are awesome! Your body may be doing a great job getting rid of those parasites by itself.

So even though you already have parasites passing through, your body is probably processing them appropriately. So don’t stop reading here and immediately go out and do a parasite cleanse. This isn't for everybody. That said, for some people, parasites might be driving some chaos behind the scenes.

When your body isn’t feeling amazing, it's metabolic chaos.

I don't think that parasites are the root cause of everything. I think that it's a circle.. So we have our lymphatic system, we have our endocrine system, we have our detox system, we have our drainage pathways, we have our digestion, and they're all working in harmony, like an orchestra. But let's say the violin starts playing out of tune. And then everything else has to start accommodating to make up for the out-of-tune violin which puts strain on all of the other instruments so eventually they all get out of tune as well. This is your metabolic chaos.

But by the time you notice, you don't know which instrument went out of tune first and caused this chaos. And that's what causes the confusion, like what is going on with your body? And that's kind of what parasites are like. Did parasites come first and cause everything else to go out of tune? Or was your body just the perfect host for parasites because some of your instruments were already out of tune?

Parasite cleanses are not for everyone.

I only recommend a parasite cleanse to my clients if their lab results and symptoms show that parasites are causing them a lot of trouble. See, our gut is a big part of how we get rid of estrogen, so if parasites mess up our gut, it can lead to hormonal issues. And when our hormones are out of whack, it can affect our cortisol levels and mess with our blood sugar. So, you can see how parasites are connected to everything I do with hormones. But not everyone I work with needs a parasite cleanse. We look at their symptoms and lab results to figure out if a parasite cleanse is necessary. It's not for everyone.

How do I know if I should do a parasite cleanse?

So a lot of things can be driven by parasites like bloating, gut issues, blood sugar issues, cortisol dysregulation, and women's skin issues. Even struggling to lose weight can be associated with parasites, specifically for people who have cortisol dysregulation - where you are tired throughout the day, but you feel wired but tired at nighttime. This is because your parasites are coming out to play when you get that spike in cortisol at night time, typically. We know it's because of gut bugs and parasites. Even having trouble sleeping at night, can be associated with parasites. And if whatever symptoms you’re experiencing get worse around the full moon, this could be pointing to parasites as well because parasites come out to play at the full moon.

Make Sure Your Drainage Pathways are Open

So if you are checking off a lot of those boxes, it’s possible a parasite cleanse would be helpful for you. But now don't go and immediately drink dewormer. I see this recommended on the internet all the time where someone recommends you take these dewormers and then you can see all of these worms come out in your poop. Yuck. I think that you need to be a little bit more methodical about it because you need to make sure your drainage pathways are open.

If you're killing off parasites, they need to be getting out of your body. So if you are not pooping at least twice a day, you should not be doing a parasite cleanse. If you are not getting out and sweating, you should not be doing a parasite cleanse. Things have to get out — you can't just kill them and let them just rot away in there, that's gonna cause more issues! So first, you have to make sure that your drainage pathways are open.

Pay Attention to Your Foundations

Then you need to make sure that you're doing something that's safe and effective. And you also need to make sure that you're paying attention to your other foundations like blood sugar balance and nutrition. Because remember, we don’t know if parasites are causing your symptoms or if we’ve created a perfect environment for these parasites within our body due to something else (like lack of sleep or nutrition deficiencies, etc.).

Can I just take a test to see if I have a parasite?

Stool tests are really popular for this but unfortunately, by the time parasites make their way to your stool, they’re already dead. So that might not be the type of parasite you’re actually dealing with and seeing it in your stool could mean that your body is actually already taking care of that one for you.

But there are some labs that are a little bit more conclusive. Microbiome Labs has a gut test that also tests the capability of your body. It's super in-depth — pages and pages long — about the capability of your body. It can not only tell you if you have parasites, but more importantly, it can tell you if you need to get rid of them. Because if your body's already doing a great job on its own, you don't need to mess with it.

I don't think that everybody needs to jump in and do a gut test. Unless you have a lot of these symptoms and you feel like things get worse around the full moon, and maybe you've already been doing a really great job with your foundations, but you're still just not feeling great. Then it’s not a bad idea to look into parasites.

Definitely make sure you're at least talking with a practitioner, or going through them for your testing and treatment, because you're going to have a lot of questions and you need to make sure you're doing it safely.

Taking Action: Types of Parasite Cleanses

When it comes to getting rid of parasites, you can try some food tricks. Parasites don't like garlic, but if you're sensitive to foods like FODMAPs, then garlic might not be your best bet. There are a few ways you can use food to tackle parasites, but personally, I prefer a straightforward approach.

A lot of people I know have had great results with Organic Olivias' parasite cleanse. I really like that brand and I think they do a fantastic job. The only downside is that they don't focus on prepping your drainage pathways beforehand, which I think is super important. So, keep that in mind.

That's exactly why I turn to Cell Core. They're a company that specializes in parasites and chronic illness, and their products are absolutely amazing for several reasons. First, they use bioactive carbons that work on a super tiny scale, going deep into your cells, way beyond just your gut. It's like they're doing a thorough cleaning job. These bioactive carbons also help your body better absorb and use all the good stuff you're feeding it, like nutrients from your food, vitamins, minerals, and other supplements. They're like little helpers, making sure your body gets the most out of what you give it. Plus, these bioactive carbons contain the essential building blocks of life, which means they can repair areas that other binders can't. That's why I think they're fantastic for binding.

Now, I know some people wonder if they can use things like diatomaceous earth or activated charcoal as binders. Well, technically, they can be used as binders, but they can be a bit messy. You see, when it comes to certain minerals like copper and zinc, they're like buddies. If you have an excess of copper in your system and you use a binder that doesn't discriminate, you might end up displacing zinc and causing more issues.

That's where the binders from Cell Core really shine. They don't cause that problem. While they're pulling out heavy metals and environmental toxins, they also provide the necessary building blocks to support healing in those areas. They're not just yanking out stuff and leaving a void behind. No, they actually help your system find balance. It's pretty amazing, which is why I swear by them. I haven't found a better binder when it comes to this stuff. They bind and remove toxins from your body and give you the essential energy molecules your cells need to function properly.

So, the bottom line is this: when you're using binders, you don't want to settle for sloppy ones. You don't want to solve one problem only to create new ones by messing up your mineral balance. I mean, copper and zinc are like besties, right? And don't even get me started on what mercury can do if it's not handled properly. So, that's why I love Cell Core's binders. They help you address the issue at hand while ensuring your minerals stay in check. But hey, before you even dive into binders, remember to start with your drainage pathways. You gotta make sure you're pooping regularly and sweating it out! That's how you deal with those pesky parasites.

Let me tell you about Cell Core's functional or foundational protocol. Honestly, I believe that the first two steps are crucial and can make a world of difference. Step one focuses on your drainage pathways. It's all about ensuring that you're pooping regularly, giving your liver the support it needs, and getting everything moving smoothly. This step also boosts your energy levels to keep things flowing.

Once you've completed step one, which usually takes about a month, you move on to step two, the kill phase. Yep, you guessed it, this is where the real parasite elimination happens. There are a few products involved, like pair one, pair two, pair three, and the binder. The binder works its magic by sticking to those unwanted parasites and pulling them out. But here's the key: your drainage pathways must be open and functioning well. That's why it's crucial to pay attention to your pooping and sweating routines. As long as you've got that covered and you're using the binder to clean up anything left behind, you're on the right track. So, it's important to follow these steps and not rush into just taking some random supplement, hoping it'll magically make you poop out a parasite. Start with the drainage and then move into the killing phase.

Remember, it's not about a quick fix or a one-size-fits-all solution. It's about working with your body's natural mechanisms and providing the support it needs to effectively cleanse itself. So, trust in the protocol, follow the steps diligently, and you'll be on your way to a healthier and happier you!

Now, about those goats…

Now let's tackle the question of whether having pets at home increases your risk of getting parasites. The truth is, it's not something you can entirely avoid. Even with pets around, it's important to be proactive and take measures to address any potential parasite issues. One approach is to regularly do a parasite cleanse, not only for yourself, but also for your furry friends. Taking the initiative to cleanse your pets can help prevent any unwanted transfer of parasites and maintain their overall well-being.

Personally, I always make sure to incorporate a biofilm buster into my routine. Biofilm busters play a crucial role in disrupting the protective shield that parasites create around themselves. By breaking down these defenses, we can better support our body's natural ability to eliminate parasites. That's why I include a biofilm buster in my drainage kit pathway, such as the CT minerals. It not only provides essential minerals but also helps in constantly breaking down any potential parasite biofilms and ensuring their expulsion from the body.

Another interesting aspect is that the mushroom coffee I enjoy, the King coffee, contains biofilm busters as well. So, it's a combination of regular parasite cleansing and incorporating biofilm busters into your routine. While it's not necessary to be overly concerned if you're feeling fine, it's always wise to take proactive steps to support your body's natural defenses and maintain optimal health.

Should I work with a doctor during a cleanse?

If you run a test, like the one I mentioned earlier, and it confirms the presence of parasites, you can always request a letter from the lab that you can share with your doctor. It gives you the option to discuss your results and treatment options with a medical professional. When it comes to treatment, you have a choice between the antibiotic route or the herbal route.

I will tell you that certain parasites can develop resistance to antibiotics, so it's important to consider this. Ultimately, the decision is yours, and you should base it on your test results and individual circumstances. However, if you do decide to embark on a protocol, I encourage you to follow it diligently. Avoid jumping around or stopping early just because you start feeling better. Commit to completing the entire protocol for good, long-term results.

Also, it's a good idea to take certain precautions like avoiding sushi and raw meat. Avoiding these can help minimize the risk of reinfection.

Lastly, staying proactive by incorporating biofilm busters or CT minerals into your routine can aid in nurturing and supporting your body. By strengthening your overall health, your body becomes more adept at naturally eliminating parasites, reducing the need for constant intervention.

It's essential to prioritize the well-being of your body and provide it with the care it deserves. By adopting a proactive and holistic approach, you can help your body become resilient and maintain a healthy balance. Remember, the goal is to empower your body's natural defenses so that it can effectively handle parasites on its own. So, commit to the protocol, consult with a doctor if desired, take precautions, and nurture your body.

Final thoughts on parasites.

Parasites can mess with your cortisol, blood sugar, gut, and hormones. But not everyone needs to do a parasite cleanse! If you have symptoms like feeling worse at night, struggling to sleep, gut issues, extra trouble during the full moon, or annoying skin issues like acne, then you should look into it.

But even if you don't want to go all out on a cleanse, you can support your body in naturally taking care of parasites by opening your drainage pathways and breaking down biofilm. CT minerals and TUDCA are good for that. But seriously, if you're feeling awesome already, don't stress about doing a parasite cleanse just because it's the latest trend. No need, my friend!

And I've had parasites myself. I did a gut test and went through the whole protocol and now I do a little touch-up during the full moon. Gotta keep those buggers away, you know? But I made sure my body was ready for it first.

I trust the Cell Core protocol because they've done their homework with science and studies. But if you go off and try some random parasite stuff Joe Schmo talked about, don't come back saying it didn't work because I didn't endorse it, alright? Be smart about it and choose your products wisely.

A great place to start is with your minerals. Your minerals can give you SO much insight into your overall health and hormone balance! Think of them as your “spark plugs"—optimizing your minerals is the first step towards understanding and op


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The recommendations presented in this blog are not a substitute for medical advice from a qualified doctor. Before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle, please consult with your health care provider.


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