Removing Endocrine Disruptors for a Non-Toxic Lifestyle

We talk a lot about the toxins in our homes, in our products, and in the world in general. And if you’ve been following along, you’ll know that these toxins act as endocrine disruptors that wreak havoc on our health and hormones. So what do we do about it? How can we live more non-toxic lives? Well today we'll be diving into all things skincare, makeup, personal care products, and even essentials like coffee, protein powder, and laundry detergent. 

Choosing Better Over Perfect

Let's get real here. Achieving a 100% toxin-free living is like trying to live on a different planet wrapped in bubble wrap – it's just not happening. Our air quality, soil, and even rainwater contain unavoidable toxins like glyphosate. So, let's stop stressing about being perfect because it's not feasible, my friends.

That doesn't mean we should do nothing either. It’s our job to find the happy medium that fits your life and your health goals. A "pick your poison" balance. Focus on what you can control and let go of what you can't. For example, if you live in a city, an air purifier might be a wise investment, but if you're surrounded by fresh country air, skip that. Make choices that align with your budget, your environment, and your priorities.

Remember, your health is your most valuable asset, and taking care of it now will save you from more significant issues down the road. Don't wait until you're flat on your back with debilitating migraines or severe menstrual cramps to start caring about your well-being.

Slow & Steady

As we embark on our journey into the world of toxins and their impact on our daily products, let's remember not to rush. Becoming aware of these toxins is the first step, and we can gradually make changes over time. Instead of throwing away everything right away, let's use up what we have and then make better choices next time.

Sustainability is key in our transition to a toxin-free lifestyle. Slowly switching out products allows us to make lasting changes without wasting what we already own. It's about being mindful of our choices and feeling empowered as we create a healthier environment for ourselves.

Picking our poison, in terms of where we allow toxins, is part of finding balance. We don't need to eliminate every single toxin, but rather focus on areas that matter most to us. Whether it's enjoying highlights in our hair or getting our nails done, we can prioritize non-toxic choices in other aspects of our lives.

The journey to a toxin-free lifestyle is a process, and it's okay not to be perfect. Let's take it step by step, making informed choices and reducing unnecessary stress along the way. 

If you're looking for a fantastic book to start your journey, "It Starts With the Egg" is a must-read. It provides invaluable information about how toxins can impact fertility and hormone balance. Even if you're not trying to conceive, your ovulation and period health are essential indicators of your overall well-being.

Today, I want to talk about a little mindset shift that can make all the difference. So, as we dive into the world of toxins and start uncovering what's lurking in our favorite makeup products or skincare items, I want you to listen with an open mind. It's not about throwing everything away right this second – that'd be a bit wasteful, right? Instead, let's finish what we have and make better choices next time.

Take that makeup product you're using right now, full of not-so-great stuff. It's totally okay to use it up and then switch to a healthier alternative. We're all about sustainability here, so making gradual changes is the way to go. Finish it, use it up, and then make the switch.

Slowly switching things out is the key to creating a toxin-free lifestyle that sticks. It's more sustainable, and we'll feel empowered knowing we're making better choices without wasting what we already have.

Picking Your Poison: Simplifying Non-Toxic Living

Now, I'm all about “picking your poison” in the sense of where you choose to allow toxins in your life. For example, I love highlights in my hair. Yep, it's not the healthiest option, but I like highlights because they don't touch my scalp directly. So, while my hair care might have a touch of toxicity, my skincare, makeup, food, and air quality are all non-toxic. It's all about finding that balance!

You don't have to eliminate every single toxin out there – that'd be way too much to handle all at once. Instead, choose where you want to focus your efforts. Maybe you're crazy about getting your nails done, and it brings you so much joy – that's your thing! So, you can prioritize non-toxic choices in other areas of your life. It's all about controlling what you can control and making informed choices.

Again, it's all about finding balance. Don't let the stress of being perfect overwhelm you – that stress can do more harm than the occasional "guilty pleasure." Prioritize what you can control, let go of what you can't, and enjoy your toxin-free journey without unnecessary stress.

Work Smarter, Not Harder 

Let’s talk priorities – making the choices that have the biggest impact. What are the products you use the most? For me, it's hair care, body care, skin care, and makeup. And honestly, they should be top priority when it comes to going non-toxic. Why? Because what you put on your skin gets absorbed 60% into your bloodstream in under 30 seconds – that's a lot! So if you're using products loaded with toxins daily, that's going to be a lot of toxins you’re absorbing compared to the air freshener that you’re only breathing a couple hours a day at work. 

Is it an amazing product or is it greenwashing? 

Now, here's something that might surprise you. If you're reading this from the UK or Europe, consider yourself lucky! The quality of food and makeup there is way better than what we have in the US. It's disappointing how many toxins are allowed in our skincare and makeup products. So, as consumers, we have to be vigilant and make wise choices.

Here's where greenwashing can sneak up on you. Some products claim to be "low tox," but when you flip the bottle and read the ingredients, it's like, "Whoa, what's all this stuff?" So, let's be smart and start lowering our toxic intake where it matters most – the stuff we slather on our skin daily.

It's not always possible to find products that are 100% perfect in every way. Maybe the ingredients are good, but the packaging is plastic. Or perhaps the budget doesn't allow for all the bells and whistles. And that's okay! We gotta make priorities based on our situations and budget, and most importantly, we need to let go of the stress of being perfect.

Switch & Ditch

So, as I said in the beginning, I talk a lot about how toxins impact our health and why it’s so important. Through this journey of learning how to become a better consumer myself, I’ve done a lot of research and compiled some resources so you don’t have to start from square one. 

First off is our Switch & Ditch Guide. In this guide, I provide all of my non-toxic recommendations that me and my team have actually tested. These aren’t just affiliate links that sound good to me, these are the actual products I’ve tried out on myself and my family. This guide will tell you all about what I do and don’t like about each product and go over the ones I think are worth the investment. 

Now, I want to be real with you. I'm not a chemist, and I don't have all the answers. I'm learning right alongside you, and it's a journey of constant discovery. New studies, new information – it's a lot to keep up with! 

And, you know, sometimes I find a makeup product that I absolutely adore – top performance, fantastic ingredients, and a great company. I'm on cloud nine, right? But then, bam! I stumble upon a third-party test that reveals those sneaky PFAS, the forever chemicals, lurking in the product due to the manufacturing process. Total bummer! But hey, that's life, and it's all about learning and growing.

So, here's my disclaimer – I'm not perfect, and I don't expect you to be either. We're all on this non-toxic journey, and we'll hit some bumps along the way. But let's support each other and share what we learn. If you come across some info about a company that I missed, please, please, share it respectfully. I'll update things as we go along because knowledge is power!


Switch & Ditch Guide

Non-Toxic Product Swaps

Simple product swaps and recommendations to help you remove toxins and chemicals from your life! This guide will support you in choosing less toxic options when it's time to purchase your everyday products again.


Additional Resources

I'm all about transparency here, folks. I won't pretend to know it all, and I'll be honest about what I discover. And you can trust me – if something is a high priority for non-toxic living, I'll let you know. No throwing you to the wolves! We got each other's backs. Stay tuned for more non-toxic living guides as we learn together! 

On that note, here are some of the other resources that will help you along your journey to a non-toxic lifestyle!


The recommendations presented in this blog are not a substitute for medical advice from a qualified doctor. Before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle, please consult with your health care provider.


Some of these links contain affiliate links.


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