How to Naturally Heal Headaches, Migraines, and Stress

tan graphic with arch image of women touching her head and text overlay "how to naturally heal headaches migraines & stress"

Do you struggle with hormonal headaches, migraines, or stress? We often think these things are normal, but they’re actually indicators that there’s a deeper issue going on inside your body.

I sat down with Dr. Meg Mill, a functional medicine practitioner, Best Selling Author, podcast host, and speaker, who often addresses headaches and stress with her clients. She’s sharing the unique approach she’s developed to resolve headaches!

Normal is not Optimal 

Again, Dr. Meg says that women often normalize their headaches and consider them a part of life you simply have to endure. Many of her clients had been taking medications for years, without realizing that there could be a way to break free from the cycle of pain and find genuine relief. She says this common approach to dealing with headaches is like a band-aid—treating the pain without addressing the root cause.

Dr. Meg's approach, known as EAT (Enlighten, Align, Thrive), empowers individuals to resolve their headaches and migraines—not just mask the pain.

The journey to headache relief starts with enlightening yourself about potential headache triggers, as many of us are unaware of what might be causing the pain. Next, you want to align your body through balancing your hormones, managing stress, and taking care of your overall well-being. Detoxing also plays a crucial role in this process, setting the stage for the thrive phase. In thrive, you are creating a strong foundation of health to move forward without headaches.

It’s possible to make headaches a thing of the past! What I love about Dr. Meg’s approach is that like me, she believes in addressing the core issues rather than relying on temporary fixes like ibuprofen. And the transformation she witnesses in her clients is truly amazing! So, let’s take a closer look at a few of the specific steps she guides her clients through to resolve the root cause of their headaches.

Food Sensitivities & Triggers 

Dr. Meg is all about getting down to the root cause of headaches, and one major player (that you may never have associated with headaches!) is food. Some foods that we consider healthy might be sneaky headache triggers for us. Take avocados, for instance. They're delicious and loaded with healthy fats, but for some, they fall under the histamine food group and can cause headaches without you even realizing it. And it's not just avocados; citrus foods (salicylates), hotdogs, bacon (nitrates), MSG, and even aspartame can all be culprits. But here's the twist – not all of these foods cause headaches for everyone, and it's often about hitting certain thresholds and combinations. 

So, you truly have to dig deep in figuring out what is triggering headaches for you personally. This is what Dr. Meg recommends: Grab a blank calendar and jot down any time you get a headache, along with everything you ate on that day and the day before. By tracking this, it’ll be easier to spot patterns and connections between what you’re eating and when you have headaches. Keep in mind that it's not just about what’s going on in the same day—some food reactions can still pop up the next day!

Dr. Meg also highlights the importance of individual food sensitivities. Each of us has unique sensitivities, and they can create an inflammation response that leads to headaches. Getting tested for food sensitivities or trying an elimination diet might just help you unveil the key to your headache relief!

The Chain Reaction of Stress in Your Body 

Let's tackle stress because, oh boy, we all have it in abundance, right?! Stress can be a real headache culprit, and not just the emotional to-do list kind of stress, but also the biological stress that our bodies experience. Picture it like a chain reaction of pain, where stress triggers headaches, and headaches, in turn, release cortisol, which can further increase your pain sensitivity. It's a vicious cycle, but it’s possible to find relief!

One powerful tool Dr. Meg recommends for stress relief is breathwork. I know, it might sound too simple to be effective, but trust me, it works wonders! Just take a few minutes each day, maybe in the morning, midday, and evening, to sit quietly, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Focus solely on your breath, and let the world around you fade away for those precious moments.

As you practice this calming breathwork regularly, your body will start to respond positively. Then, when stress strikes during the day, you can turn to your breath as a tool to calm yourself down and bring your body back into the parasympathetic nervous system—the rest-and-digest mode.

I know stress management can feel like an impossible task when you have a busy life and commitments. But there are little tricks and techniques you can incorporate into your day without drastically disrupting your schedule. One that I discovered is a simple exercise where you stare straight ahead, arms straight back until you can't see your hands, then slowly bring your hands forward until you barely see them in your peripheral vision. Wiggle your fingers ever so slightly, and you'll feel a massive release in your body. It's a quick 10-second trick that can lower your stress levels and help you prevent overflowing that stress bucket.

Stress affects your adrenals, which then impact your thyroid, heart, and sex hormones—everything is interconnected. So let's make a conscious effort to practice stress-reducing methods, whether it's breathwork, meditation, gratitude journaling, or finding moments to connect with nature. Just find something that you enjoy!

Estrogen Dominance

Hormones can play a role in this headache puzzle too (of course!). Dr. Meg points out that estrogen levels, especially during ovulation, can impact your body's ability to metabolize certain foods, making them more likely to trigger hormonal headaches. So, if you find yourself getting headaches right before your period or during ovulation, it's highly likely that hormonal imbalances are playing a role. Another great reason you should be tracking your cycle!

One common hormonal imbalance we encounter is estrogen dominance. It's not always about having sky-high estrogen levels, but rather how your body is handling and metabolizing it. Dr. Meg often sees this pattern in her headache patients. Your estrogen levels might be just fine, but the trouble lies in not effectively clearing it from your system. Picture it like a traffic jam, and your estrogen gets stuck, causing those hormonal headaches to pop up.

We want to shift the metabolism of estrogen in your body so that it can be properly cleared out. The liver and the gut are the powerhouses when it comes to estrogen metabolism, so a great place to start is supporting your liver and focusing on gut health!


Sleep is key to keeping headaches at bay. It's an independent risk factor for migraines, and poor sleep quality can really mess with our health—literally! Now, I know we're all busy bees, and sometimes it feels like there aren't enough hours in the day, but let's not let sleep slip through our fingers. Prioritizing good-quality sleep is essential for a happy, headache-free life.

Dr. Meg suggests we create a sleep sanctuary in our bedrooms—cool, dark, and quiet—where melatonin can do its magic. Keep those electronic devices away before bedtime, as the blue light can disrupt our sleep. Instead, unwind with relaxing activities that prepare your mind and body for a peaceful sleep.

And unfortunately, I have to mention stress management again. Not only is this something that can cause headaches, but it can also impact your sleep, making it a double-whammy. When stress is out of control, the stress hormone, cortisol, can start peaking at the wrong times and prevent you from falling or staying asleep.

Remember, it's not just about quantity—quality sleep is the real MVP!

Environment & Endocrine Disruptors 

Dr. Meg also highlights the significance of making simple environmental changes. You know I always talk about removing endocrine disruptors and ditching things like toxic beauty and household products, and guess what? It's crucial for preventing headaches, too! 

You don't have to overhaul your entire product stash at once. Start with just one item, like your night cream, and it will significantly reduce your toxin exposure. You can learn more about removing endocrine disruptors here and here. Like me, Dr. Meg suggests taking this process slowly. There's no need to stress yourself out by trying to change everything at once. Just pick one item and go from there. As you learn what works best for you, you can gradually switch out other products.

If you’re overwhelmed and not sure where to start, think about the products you use the most on a daily basis and focus on swapping those out for nontoxic alternatives. For me, some big ones are skincare, cleaning supplies, and food storage! For example, you can replace plastic containers with glass, opt for organic skincare, and choose cleaning products without toxic chemicals.

For a breath of fresh air, consider using an air purifier to eliminate hidden allergens. And don't forget about your water! Installing a water filter can reduce exposure to metals and minerals that might be messing with your system.

Lead, cadmium, and other heavy metals can be sneaky culprits behind headaches and migraines. For example, did you know that lead can actually be stored in your bones from past exposure, and as you age, it can release toxins that affect your health? This is why I am always talking about the importance of heavy metal testing when you’re looking for non-toxic products!

Getting Rid of Hormonal Headaches Starts with Simple Holistic Steps

Dr. Meg says to just take a moment to reflect on your daily habits. Are you hydrating? Are you sleeping? Do you have any practices that help you manage stress? And then look at your diet. Are there any connections between what you’re eating and when you’re having headaches? This one is so important! Pay attention to your diet and any potential connections to your headaches. Remember, certain foods, even so-called healthy ones, may trigger headaches for you. Keep a food diary to track your meals and see if you notice any patterns. 

These are the basics to address the underlying causes of your headaches so you can finally find headache relief. Remember, headaches are common, but they don't have to be your norm.


Switch & Ditch Guide

Non-Toxic Product Swaps

Simple product swaps and recommendations to help you remove toxins and chemicals from your life! This guide will support you in choosing less toxic options when it's time to purchase your everyday products again.


Additional Resources


The recommendations presented in this blog are not a substitute for medical advice from a qualified doctor. Before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle, please consult with your health care provider.


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